Hi there, if you’re new, welcome!
Start Building Up Your Wealth & Achieve Financial Independence!
Who am I?
Hello, my name is Rainbow, the blogger behind http://lifeofrainbow.site
Initially, I started this blog in 2021 to write about personal growth, but after a few months, I’ve decided to add in the financial side of things.
Because I truly am interested in achieving financial independence!!!
Rather than surpressing that side of me, I have now come to peace about talking about debt, investments, financial independence, etc.
I want to ask if YOU could relate to any of these statements:
- You’re not good enough!
- Why are you NOT like the models on Instagram?
- You’re too fat!
- You are not capable.
Because if you have similar experiences, then you’ve come to the right place.
What you’re feeling is valid and I truly empathize with you. *hugs*
It was just a short moment ago that I was right there where you are sitting now.
These were the words said by people whom I loved and trusted, and I believed in these words at one point in my life.
These were the realities that I had lived through…
- Constantly having to live up to people’s unrealistic expectations
- Being careful of how people would look and think of me (even when I did nothing wrong?)
- Trying to please everyone except me
- Not feeling good enough
- Doubting myself always (even when I’ve achieved significant success).
- Am I pretty enough?
I became an overthinker and lost self-confidence in everything I do and ultimately, in who I am as a woman.
If you’re ready for something different… if you’re ready to change your life by accepting yourself, living intentionally, and building your best life… Nice! I can’t wait to journey together with you!
Hi! My name is Rainbow!
Why am I so obsessed with helping you to live your best life?
Because my life has freaking changed! That’s why!
Honestly speaking yo, accepting yourself for who you are is NOT correlated with the amount of external success you amass.
I definitely know what I’m saying:
- I was the best student + athlete back in school in 2012.
- Was featured in the newspaper for my outstanding academic results.
- I bought my first property when I was 20. (Like seriously, I own real estate before being able to apply for a credit card.)
- And year after year I was buying and selling properties. Teaching people who are 2x my age how to invest in properties. (Yup, that’s me on stage).
Some people would say that I have my life ‘all figured out’ while others judge me.
There were some things in my life that I wasn’t too thrilled about:
- Circle of friends being close to me just to ‘dig’ info out of me.
- Naysayers who would downplay my achievements.
- I have no time to enjoy little things.
- I was far from my family and missed times seeing my brothers grow up.
My life didn’t suck, I was living like most people who are trying to do their best for their career, family, etc.
What’s the point of doing and working so much, when you’re not able to truly appreciate yourself?
I was never truly able to say that I love myself.
Nor being genuinely happy for myself.
I would always feel the need to prove and impress people that didn’t matter at all (where are they now? God knows!).
I was always trying to achieve something so I could feel like I matter.
Do you feel like that too?
For you, it might be something different.
Does it feel like a hectic cycle of chasing after the next big item… and the next… and the next…?
It was tiring.
Is life really just like this? Is this it?
Must I be caged just to live? Or to live like I’m feeling caged?
I’m not saying that we should not be financially stable and thriving.
What I’m saying is, you dictate your happiness and joy. Achievements externally do not fulfill you internally and fully.
The amount of wealth or success or fame or amount of friends – whatever it is – will not truly satisfy you.
Unless you accept yourself, live intentionally, and live your best life!
My why
I found a girlfriend who truly loves me and accepted me for who I am.
(Her name is Albita, she’s from Ecuador).
No judgments, no bull sh*t.
Just love acceptance and growth together.
I felt free and secure to be best friends with her, it completely changed my life.
Can I be that person for you?
Let us make this place a better place and it all starts with YOU.
Let us invest in ourselves.
Allow me to share with you a statement that helped me tremendously with loving myself.
“My precious daughter, I love you so much.”, said the Creator.
Give yourself grace, space, and time to truly understand who you are and know your worth.
Even if you do not believe in God, or a Higher Power, know this:
You are forgiven, loved, and cherished.
You are far more precious than rubies, far more beautiful than the flowers.
Now, I live my life to the fullest daily – being present with my family at all times, doing the work I love as an encourager, and living my best life!
After years of struggling, I was finally able to look into the mirror, see the scars truthfully and tell the person in the mirror ‘I love you.’
I hope you’ll be able to do that for yourself too.
Some Fun Facts About Me:
- I am from Malaysia
- I have a degree in Psychology.
- I have 5 younger brothers! (3 of them are cousin brothers who live 24/7 with my family).
- Traveling and exploring places put a smile on my face over owning a big house.
- Introvert > Extrovert (it really depends on who I’m spending time with).
Our Mission.
How does “Your Best Life” look like?
How would your life look like if you start by accepting yourself?
- Acknowledge your scars and failures as an opportunity for growth.
To live intentionally?
- Not just going through the motions or hustling and being busy 24/7 all year round.
To build YOUR best life and excel in all aspects of your life?
- Personal life, career, relationships, family…
Honestly, if I could just inspire one person – YOU to live a life of abundance, this would be so worth it.
On this site, I’d like to share with you the journey of finding self-love, worth, beauty, and confidence, seeing your dreams come into fulfillment, and living your best life!
Simply put, The Life of Rainbow is dedicated to young women to find and believe in themselves, for themselves!
Enjoy the progress of turning into the woman you’d envisioned yourself to be.
Progress over perfection.
Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.
What others think of you is their business. How you view yourself matters the most.
Have a purposeful life:
- Did I live to the fullest today?
- Did I love today?
- Did I contribute today?
Shall we be friends?
“There’s no one way only towards Financial Independence, but it all starts with your decisions.
Achieve Financial Independence Sooner Than Later, Because Time is limited.
If I can do it, you can too 🙂